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Linux Vendor List

  app-vendorLinux Vendor List


This appendix lists contact information for a number of vendors which sell Linux on diskette, tape, and CD-ROM. Many of them provide Linux documentation, support, and other services as well. This is by no means a complete listing; if you purchased this book in printed form, it's very possible that the vendor or publishing company also provides Linux software and services.

The author makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of any of the information listed in this Appendix. This information is included here only as a service to readers, not as an advertisement for any particular organization.

Fintronic Linux Systems
1360 Willow Rd., Suite 205
Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA
Tel: +1 415 325-4474
Fax: +1 415 325-4908

InfoMagic, Inc.
PO Box 30370
Flagstaff, AZ 86003-0370 USA
Tel: +1 800 800-6613, +1 602 526-9565
Fax: +1 602 526-9573

Lasermoon Ltd
2a Beaconsfield Road, Fareham,
Hants, England. PO16 0QB.
Tel: +44 (0) 329 826444.
Fax: +44 (0) 329 825936.

Linux Journal
P.O. Box 85867
Seattle, WA 98145-1867 USA
Tel: +1 206 527-3385
Fax: +1 206 527-2806

Linux Systems Labs
18300 Tara Drive
Clinton Twp, MI 48036 USA
Tel: +1 313 954-2829, +1 800 432-0556
Fax: +1 313 954-2806

Morse Telecommunication, Inc.
26 East Park Avenue, Suite 240
Long Beach, NY 11561 USA
Tel: +1 800 60-MORSE
Fax: +1 516 889-8665

Nascent Technology
Linux from Nascent CDROM
P.O. Box 60669
Sunnyvale CA 94088-0669 USA
Tel: +1 408 737-9500
Fax: +1 408 241-9390

Red Hat Software
P.O. Box 4325
Chapel Hill, NC 27515 USA
Tel: +1 919 309-9560

SW Technology
251 West Renner Suite 229
Richardson, TX 75080 USA
Tel: +1 214 907-0871

Takelap Systems Ltd.
The Reddings, Court Robin Lane,
Llangwm, Usk, Gwent, United Kingdom NP5 1ET.
Tel: +44 (0)291 650357
Fax: +44 (0)291 650500

Trans-Ameritech Enterprises, Inc.
2342A Walsh Ave
Santa Clara, CA 95051 USA
Tel: +1 408 727-3883

Unifix Software GmbH
Postfach 4918
D-38039 Braunschweig
Tel: +49 (0)531 515161
Fax: +49 (0)531 515162

Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
4880 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 205
San Jose, CA 95129-1034 USA
Tel: +1 800 261-6630, +1 408 261-6630
Fax: +1 408 261-6631


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Ross Biro
Tue May 23 13:39:28 PDT 1995