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Online Documents


These documents should be available on any of the Linux FTP archive sites (see Appendix C for a list). If you do not have direct access to FTP, you may be able to locate these documents on other online services (such as CompuServe, local BBS's, and so on). If you have access to Internet mail, you can use the ftpmail service to receive these docucments. See Appendix C for more information.

In particular, the following documents may be found on in the directory /pub/Linux/docs. Many sites mirror this directory; however, if you're unable to locate a mirror site near you, this is a good one to fall back on.

You can also access Linux files and documentation using gopher. Just point your gopher client to port 70 on, and follow the menus to the Linux archive. This is a good way to browse Linux documentation interactively.


Ross Biro
Tue May 23 13:39:28 PDT 1995